Thursday, March 3, 2011

March on

So February was a pretty shitty month for me as far as poker goes. I think a big part of becoming a great winning player is consistency and this month I definitely fell off. I could go on about extinuating circumstances that affected my play, but ultimately as poker players we need to work towards ignoring all outside factors and playing our A-game day in and day out; hand after hand.

I'm also still learning, despite my current skill level, and some of the adjustments I make turn out to be poor ones. For example, I purposely played more tables than I thought was optimal this month just to see if I could handle it, or if it'd be profitable. Towards then end of the month I geared back down towards a more 'normal' load and noticed immediate improvement. Couple that with the undoubted runbad I was due and it's easy for me to understand a subpar month.

Outside of poker, life has been as great as ever. Every day I wake up I feel immensely blessed to be alive, as should we all. I work hard at constantly appreciating the small things; waking up, showering, eating breakfast, spending time with my fiancĂ©e, because I know that it's all of these little daily things we take for granted that are the real gifts we receive.

This month my mother and I got the chance to finally lay my Father's ashes to rest next to his Mom (and eventually Dad) and his sister. We had no idea the plot was already there and paid for (poor relations with the surviving members of his family) but I'm very happy that a mutual friend of the family took the time out of his life to call us and help us get all of this organized. It's not a very huge deal to me that someone's remains be 'laid to rest' per se, but if the rest of his family is to have the same arrangements then it only makes sense to keep them together.

I thought the whole situation would be sort of weird, it's been about 6 years since he's passed, and sometimes I still tear up randomly when I think about it. But it was really nice, and even though religious practice in regards to remains isn't something I place precedence upon, I think it gave me some more closure which is always a good thing. Also, as always, a constant reminder to me to enjoy the life that I have EVERY day and always let the ones close to me know how much I love them. We are all so blessed to live in this very moment and I know we all forget it, but if you work hard to recognize what you've been given you'll never resent another day or event in your life.

Anyways, enough random rambling/life advice, it's time to study a bit and grind. I know I said I was looking forward to good things in Feb, but loljksrslyguysthistime.

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